

Københavnske partnerkirker

Det var københavnske kirker, som i 2013 gik sammen om at åbne Night Light Café, som holder til i Eliaskirken på Vesterbro Torv i København.




Media Coalition and Awareness to Halt Human Trafficking 

MeCAHT og EXIST har arbejdet sammen siden 2008. Læs om vores fælles historie.

“I am Anne Abok, a Nigerian anti-human trafficking practitioner, filmmaker, and public speaker. I founded MeCAHT to help my Nigerian sisters out of the shackles of human trafficking. I have always been passionate about the transformation of Nigerian society. I saw human trafficking as one of the crimes affecting my country, hence my effort to use film for awareness. The work of curbing human trafficking cannot be done in silos, that is why I value partnerships with like-minded organizations such as EXIST”.
Anne Abok, International Director of MeCAHT.

The founders of MeCAHT and EXIST have enjoyed a dynamic, complementary, and fruitful partnership since 2009. We acknowledge the equal cooperation between the two organizations, and we bring our capacity and knowledge into different initiatives related to different projects for the common good. We acknowledge one another as indigenous organizations with our right to define our roles and responsibilities, and each partner brings in other local partners to implement projects.


National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking In Persons

Samarbejdet blev etableret i 2016 ved at lave en kortlægning over safehouses i Nigeria

Ministry of foreign affairs of Denmark

Den danske ambassade I Nigeria